
Everything's Connected is a 60-second PSA about litter and water quality in the Puget Sound area. This piece was conceived, researched, storyboarded, shot and edited by a group of eighth-graders from McMurray School on Vashon Island.

Live With It is a 45-second PSA about ferry rate hikes resulting from initiatives promoted by anti-taxation crusader Tim Eyman. This piece was conceived, researched, storyboarded, shot and edited by a group of upper school youth from the Bush School in 2001.

No Ground to Stand On is a 60-second PSA about the environmental impact of strip mining on Vashon Island. This piece was conceived, researched, storyboarded, shot and edited by a group of upper school students at the Bush School in 2000.

A Closer Look is a 30-second PSA about leaky septic systems and water quality in the Puget Sound area. This piece was conceived, researched, storyboarded, shot and eidted by a group of eighth-graders from McMurray School on Vashon Island in 2001.

This radio drama/comedy was a regular on the start-up radio station in Eric and Holly's home town of Vashon, Washington. A collection of vignettes and sketch-oriented humor, the motto of the show was: "You supply the mental picture. We'll supply the frame."